Easy Piano Tuner
easy piano tuner

I have been a piano tuner/technician serving the greater San Jose and Santa Cruz areas for over 30 years. Piano tuning and repair has always been more than just a business to me. Piano Tuning and Repair A Personal Perspective.

easy piano tuner

However, we also accept piano tuning requests from outside Bangkok. Our main area of service is in Bangkok. In addition, we offer 20 discount promotions for our valued customers.

easy piano tuner

Easy Piano Tuner Plus The Following

The ability to save and load tuning files, so a piano doesn't need to be re-measured each time it is tuned Calibrate device to an external frequency sourceUpgrading to Professional unlocks all features of the "Plus" version, plus the following: Tune to frequency standards other than A=440 Tuning functionality for the entire piano Swipe in the graphing area to show a live frequency spectrum or the inharmonicity of measured notes.Upgrading to "Plus" adds the following functionality:

Access to all future features and enhancementsNote about permissions: This app requires permission to access the microphone on your device and permission to read and write files.

easy piano tuner